Thursday, January 08, 2009

I am blogging again on xanga here is the link 

I would like to know how to put my old blog into book for so I can print for my children to have . 

Once my xanga blog is in print, for my family, I would then like to switch blogging sites. For now I will be on xanga- there is just too much info there to walk away.

My blog is public , for the time being. Let me know if you would like to be a subscriber if I do decide to go private again.



::Sylvia:: said...

You can have it published by blurb. I know a couple of people who did that and they were very happy with the outcome!

Monica said...

Hi, I just came across your blog over at Phyllis Hunsucker's. In my pre-Orthodox years, I went to New Tribes Bible Institute (Missionary Training) with Will & Phyllis. How do you know them?

What a small world. Nice to "meet" you.